Establishing a GmbH and SME company acquisition
Austria has a booming start-up and founder scene, and the limited liability company (GmbH) is the most popular legal form for founders. For good reason: a partnership agreement drawn up as a notarial deed creates clear rules of play between partners, liability is limited and a company purchase (colloquially also often referred to as a “company purchase”) can be carried out comparatively simply by assigning shares (share deal). There are also tax structuring possibilities with the GmbH. The company register creates transparency with regard to capitalisation and shareholdings in the company. Sole proprietors can also benefit from the advantages of the GmbH by founding their company as a one-man GmbH or transferring it to a one-man GmbH. Founding, growing, investing, buying, selling – we accompany our clients in their growth with our know-how in corporate law, company law and commercial law. From the foundation to the sale of a company.
Our services in the area of GmbH formation and KMU company acquisition

Start a business
Formation of a limited liability company, formation of a one-man limited liability company, declaration of formation or articles of association, articles of association, formation documentation (sample declarations of signature, etc.), registration in the commercial register, registration of a business.
Grow, Reorganize and merge
Appointment of managing directors, dismissal of managing directors, granting of procuration (appointment of authorized signatories), capital increase, convertible bonds, contract negotiations with investors, syndicate agreements, shareholder agreements, reorganization, e.g. upstream merger, downstream merger, sidestream merger, contribution, demerger.

Company Sell (Exit)
Share purchase proceeds or share deal company purchase agreement, asset deal company purchase agreement, IP asset deal, due diligence. Focus: SME company acquisition.

Our focus:
accompany entrepreneurial success - consulting from start-up to exit.
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Concerns of clients when founding a GmbH
Formation of a GmbH for an IT start-up ‘ Formation of a GmbH light for short-term rentals via AirBnB ‘ Formation of a subsidiary in Austria ‘ Formation of a limited partnership (KG) for a hospitality company ‘ Amendment of articles of association ‘ Shareholder agreement on capital increase ‘ SME company purchase agreement (purchase of a hotel as an asset deal) ‘ Upstream corporate merger in a specialist publishing house ‘ Dismissal of shareholder and managing director ‘ Appointment of external managing director ‘ Share purchase agreement ‘ Examination of transaction between company and shareholder (third-party customary practice with regard to prohibited return of contributions)Review of transaction between company and shareholder (third party custom) with regard to prohibited return of contributions ‘ Review of repayability of shareholder loans with regard to Equity Substituting Capital Act (EKEG) ‘ Assertion of right of first refusal for GmbH shares or right of recourse for GmbH shares ‘ Shareholder agreement on capital increase Right of recourse for GmbH shares.
After that our clients searched on the Internet for GmbH gründen
Gmbh Light ‘ Company sales ‘ transaction ‘ transactions GmbH Light Austria ‘ Foundation Gmbh ‘ Found a company Austria ‘ Foundation GmbH Austria ‘ Business Lawyers Vienna ‘ company purchase ‘ what does GmbH mean Lawyer Corporate Law ‘ Insolvency law lawyer GmbH with formation privileges ‘ form a GmbH ‘ Corporate Law Austria Incorporate Gmbh Incorporation ‘ what is a limited liability company GmbH with formation privileges ‘ Ltd. Foundation privileges ‘ Acquisition of SMEs ‘ Company purchase gastronomy ‘ Company purchase hotel ‘ Company acquisition SME Vienna ‘ Company purchase tenancy law ‘ Company purchase § 12a MRG.